Parken Stadion

Visit Parken

>> For dansk tryk her - Parkens Ordensreglement

Ground Regulations 

Section 1 Purpose

The purpose of these Ground Regulations is:

  • to preserve and maintain the positive atmosphere at Parken and other areas, where events are held
  • to ensure that all visitors feel safe both before, during and after their stay at Parken, and
  • to ensure that all people feel welcome regardless of appearance, religion and cultural background. 

Section 2 Scope

2.1. These Ground Regulations apply to all areas, where Parken is located, including entrances, exits, fan zones and parking ground.The Ground Regulations also apply to any other area, if the event has any connection to Parken Stadium and/or F.C. Copenhagen.


2.2. These Ground Regulations also apply to all events -sporting and non-sporting - held at Parken Stadium, regardless of the organiser of event.

2.3. In certain cases, the individual organiser can stipulate other regulations, e.g. in relation to minimum age, which the visitors of Parken Stadium are obliged to read, understand and observe.

Section 3 Access and conduct


3.1 Validentry certificate

You can only stay atParken if you have an entry certificate, such as a valid ticket, season card, accreditation, admission card etc., and you are under an obligation to presentsuch certificate at the entry and to hand it over to Parken’s security staff, the police or other authority upon request. If Parken’s security staff demonstrate ticket forgery, the police will be notified.


3.2 Identification papers

You may be asked topresent proof of identification by Parken’s security staff or the police.


3.3. Minimumage

Children under the age of12 are only admitted to F.C. Copenhagen matches if accompanied by an adult.However, on the B stand (Upper and Lower Section 12), there is a minimum age requirement of 15 years. For Danish Football Association matches and other events, reference is made to the event organiser in question.


3.4 Conduct

You must take the seat indicated on your ticket. For safety reasons, Parken’s staff or the police mayassign you to another seat, to which you are then obliged to move without receiving any type of compensation.


During the events, you are not allowed to stay on stairs and in corridors etc., meaning that you should go directly to and from your seat. This is partly so you do not disrupt the view of other guests and partly because it may be dangerous in case of evacuation and the like. Emergency exits must not be blocked under any circumstances.

3.5 Standing area

During F.C. Copenhagenmatches, the B stand at Parken Stadium is an unnumbered standing section, with aspecial atmosphere.

‍3.6 Stadiumlight

Parken Stadium's LED lighting system may be an integral part of the entertainment at events held at Parken Stadium. Pleasenote that there may be brief light effects that may be detrimental to people with light sensitivity problems.


‍3.7 After football matches

For safety reasons and inorder to ensure that all guests feel safe after the match, guests may be letout from Parken Stadium and/or other relevant areas at a pace that the Policeand/or Parken’s security management find(s) acceptable in relation to safety.


Section 4 Body search and prohibited items etc.


4.1. Parken’s security staff is entitled to examinewhether guests represent a safety hazard due to influence of alcohol oreuphoriants, or whether they carry weapons or other dangerous and inflammableitems. Such examination may be by means of a body search or by use of technicaldevices, or a combination of the two.


4.2. The following items etc. are not allowed at events:

  • weapons of any kind
  • items that can be used as weapons or throwable objects
  • spray cans with gas, corrosive and colouring substances
  • bottles, cups, mugs or cans made of materials that can break or shatter
  • items of disproportional sizes
  • fireworks, flares, Roman candles or other pyrotechnics
  • flags or banners that are longer than 1.5 meters, confetti tubes and crepe rolls containing confetti (please also see below regarding prior approval of banners)
  • powered noise instruments - such as compressor horn, vuvuzelas etc.
  • batteries for electric bikes and the like
  • food and beverages, including alcoholic beverages of any kind
  • umbrellas
  • animals
  • laser pens
  • documents, designs, symbols or flags containing ideological or political messages, racist, homophobic and other derogatory or discriminating statements or statements of a commercial nature and articles serving commercial purposes,     which may be seen by others or are brought for distribution to other visitors
  • racist or Nazi propaganda material
  • other items, which may jeopardise the safety and order at the event.


The list is notexhaustive.


Section 5 Rules of conduct at the areas of scope of the Ground Regulations


5.1 Behaviour

These Ground Regulations must be observed and at all times, and you shall always follow the instructions from the speaker system at Parken Stadium, from Parken’s security staff, emergency services, the police and the fire department etc. You are not allowed to stayat the areas if you visibly are strongly under the influence of alcohol or euphoriants.


Furthermore, thefollowing activities are prohibited at Parken Stadium:

  • climbing on or over buildings and facilities, including facades, fences, walls, fencing of the playing field, barriers, lighting installations, camera platforms, trees, masts/pylons of any kind and roofs
  • entering areas not permitted for visitors (e.g. the football pitch in connection with football matches)
  • participating in coordinated jumping and encourage others to participate in coordinated  jumping on the B-stand through speech, singing or other behaviour
  • throwing objects
  • setting fire to anything, firing fireworks, flares, Roman candles or other pyrotechnics
  • throwing fireworks, flares, Roman candles or other pyrotechnics
  • selling items or tickets, distributing printed material or launching collections  without prior permission
  • writing, painting, sticking or hanging anything on buildings, installations, or advertising signs
  • relieving oneself in other places than at the toilets
  • provoking others to hatred or violence against other people
  • having your face entirely or partially covered by hoods, masks or the like
  • bringing or obviously wearing signs and symbols of a racist, homophobic or other discriminating nature
  • making racist, homophobic or other derogative or discriminating comments
  • in general, acting unacceptably and thus being a nuisance to others or in any other way bringing other people in danger.


The list is notexhaustive.


5.2 Bannersetc.

You are allowed to bring/hang banners of relevance tothe match/the event, but only if such have been approved in advance by Parken’ssecurity staff. This is mainly because of fire hazard, and if there is notsufficient space for banners and the like.


Section 6 Video surveillance


6.1 Video surveillance

Video cameras are placed both inside and outside of Parken Stadium, and Parken’s security staff can use any video footage for further investigation etc.


Documentation for violation of the Ground Regulations may also be passed on to the police and to the disciplinary system of the Danish FootballAssociation in order to handle matters concerning violation of the GroundRegulations. In general, the information is stored for up to 30 days, and then the information is deleted. However, the information may be stored for a longer period if necessary with regard to investigating or documenting specific incidents.


Any use hereof will be inaccordance with the act on tv surveillance and the rules on data protection,just as the processing will be in accordance with F.C. Copenhagen’s privacypolicy in force at any time.


6.2 Photography at events

As a visitor, you are considered as having acceptedthat photos or video may be taken of you at events held at Parken. Yourparticipation in the event is an automatic acceptance of Parken/F.C. Copenhagenor a third-party organiser using these photos and videos for articles onwebsites, social media or for PR/marketing.


You also accept that youmay be on TV transmissions from the events or press photos for papers andmagazines. Parken/F.C. Copenhagen will always endeavour not to publish anycompromising photos.


6.3 You taking photos at events held by F.C. Copenhagen

You are allowed to take pictures and record sound and video at Parken, if

  • it is for private use only (e.g. your Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram etc.) or
  • it is for official competitions etc. offered by Parken/F.C. Copenhagen, and
  • you observe the general legislation on e.g. not publishing compromising pictures of other people.


However, you are notallowed to record live images or audio material and disclose information aboutthe event, stands or other stadium areas for commercial use, regardless of themeans used.


6.4 You taking photos at other events held by third parties

The rules stipulatingwhen you are allowed to take photos and how you may use them vary from event toevent and therefore reference is made to the rules of the organiser inquestion.


Section 7 Smoking


7.1 Smoking

The following rules applyto all kinds of smoking, including normal cigarettes, e-cigarettes etc.


7.2 Stadium indoors

Smoking is banned in allindoor facilities. This includes all toilets, stairs, corridors etc. Thesmoking ban also covers all kinds of e-cigarettes etc.


7.3 Stadium without roof (F.C. Copenhagen matches)

If the roof on ParkenStadium is not closed, you are allowed to smoke on the B stand and on the LowerC stand as well as outside of Parken Stadium. On all other stand sections,smoking is not allowed. However, there may be exceptions to this main rule, andthen these areas will have appropriate signing.


7.4 Stadium without roof (Danish Football Association matches)

If the roof on Parken is not closed, you are allowedto smoke on the B stand and outside of Parken Stadium. On all other standsections, smoking is not allowed. However, there may be exceptions to this mainrule, and then these areas will have appropriate signing.


7.5 Stadium without roof (other events)

It is up to theindividual organiser to specify the rules applying to the event.


7.6 Stadium with roof

If the roof is closed,the smoking ban applies to all stand sections and all other areas within ParkenStadium.


Section 8 Separation of fans during football matches


8.1. The following rules on “separation of fans” have beenmade to optimise safety in connection with all football matches in Parken. Ifyou do not comply with these rules, you may be denied entry/be expelled withoutreceiving a refund for your ticket.


8.2. At F.C. Copenhagen matches, all stand sections –except for that reserved for the visiting team – are in general reserved forF.C. Copenhagen’s fans. For international F.C. Copenhagen matches, a small areaof the A-stand will normally also be reserved for the visiting team'sVIP-guests.

8.3. At Danish Football Association matches, information on where thetwo groups of fans will be placed will be provided in connection with each game.

8.4. If you would like to display your association with the visiting team, e.g. by wearing colours, clothes or the like, or sing anthems or chants related to the visiting team, you are only allowed to do so on the stand sections reserved for the fans of the visiting team. Please note, however, that on matchday you are not allowed to wear colours, clothes etc. which may be related to other teams than the home team and the visiting team.

8.5. For international F.C. Copenhagen matches played at Parken, the fans of the visiting team cannot purchase tickets through F.C.Copenhagen. Reference is made to the visiting club’s own information on tickets to the sections to which the fans of the visiting team have access. As regards Denmark’s international matches and cup finals, reference is made to the ticket informationfrom the Danish Football Association.


Section 9 Violation of the Ground Regulations


9.1. You will be denied entry or be expelled from the areaif you


·      do not have a validticket/admission card

·      are deemed to be asecurity risk

·      are banned

·      by your general behaviourare in violation of these Ground Regulations.

·      as a fan of the visitingteam has purchased a ticket to a section, which is not reserved for the fans ofthe visiting team


Tickets arenon-refundable.


9.2. If you are in violation of the Ground Regulations inconnection with a match held by F.C. Copenhagen, you may be banned from ParkenStadium, meaning that you during the period of the ban are not allowed toattend matches where F.C. Copenhagen is playing, which includes both home andaway matches as well as national and international matches. The ban alsoapplies in relation to any other event related to Parken Stadium and/or F.C.Copenhagen, regardless of where the event is being held. The ban also means thaton the days of events, you are not allowed to stay on the premises/areas whereParken Stadium is located. Moreover, F.C. Copenhagen can decide that the ban,in serious events, shall apply in connection with every event held at Parken,including but not limited to concerts etc., regardless of whether it is F.C.Copenhagen or a third party who is the organiser of the event. The period andthe scope of the ban depends on the nature of the violation.


9.3. F.C. Copenhagen is moreover entitled to issue a ban in connection with your violation of the Ground Regulations during other events, regardless of whether it is F.C. Copenhagen or a third party who is the organiser, including but not limited to Denmark’s international matches, concerts etc. If you are banned in pursuance of such event, you will be banned from all events during the period of the ban, regardless of whether it is a match or an event, which is related to or held by F.C. Copenhagen or a third party.


9.4. Violent actions taking place outside the scope of theGround Regulations, but where there is a certain relation to Parken/F.C.Copenhagen or the event held by the organiser, a ban may be issued as well.


9.5. As not all violations automatically will result in a ban, violations are stored for a period of time, as these may form the basis of a possible ban later on. If you are banned, the ban will be registered in F.C. Copenhagen’s register of bans, and the information will be processed in accordance with F.C. Copenhagen’s privacy policy in force at any time.


9.6. Sections 1-5 also apply to groups, if a violation ofthe Ground Regulation (e.g. due to clothing, symbols or behaviour) cannot be ascribed to one individual in a group and the violation in general ischaracteristic for the behaviour of the entire group.


Section 10 Violation charges


10.1. In addition to being banned, F.C. Copenhagen reservesthe right to issue the following fines:


·      If you without permission obtain or try to force the fence around the football field or in any other way gain access to the football field, you will be charged an amount of DKK 10,000, which must be paid immediately or by further agreement.


·      If you bring or use fireworks, flares, Roman candles or other pyrotechnics, you will be charged an amount of DKK 5,000, which must be paid immediately or by further agreement.


·      If you throw fireworks,flares, Roman candles or other pyrotechnics, you will be charged an amount ofDKK 5,000, which must be paid immediately or by further agreement.


·      If you throw objects ingeneral, you will be charged an amount of DKK 5,000, which must be paidimmediately or by further agreement.


·      If you possess or wearface-concealing masks, you will be charged an amount of DKK 5,000, which mustbe paid immediately or by further agreement.


·      If you are banned fromParken and access (or attempt to access) Parken or other events held byParken/F.C. Copenhagen, you will be charged an amount of DKK 5,000, which mustbe paid immediately or by further agreement.


·      If you unauthorised gainaccess (or attempt to gain access) to Parken or other events that Parken/F.C.Copenhagen holds, you will be charged an amount of DKK 5,000, which must bepaid immediately or by further agreement.


10.2. Failure to pay a fine, cf. section 10(1), extends aban period, if applicable, and gives F.C. Copenhagen the right to  ban you from entering Parken Stadium, untilthe fine has been paid.

10.3 Please note that payment of such charges does notpreclude other sanctions, including liability for damages, cf. section 11.


Section 11 Liability for damages


11.1. Admittance to, coming and going and staying at events are always at the visitor’s own risk. No companies within the PARKEN Group are liable for any injuries or property damage caused by accidents or other visitors’ acts or omissions.


11.2. F.C. Copenhagen and other event organisers reserve the right to hold you personally liable for damages in accordance with Danish legislation, if you

  • commit acts of vandalism on Parken’s property
  • behave in such a manner that PARKEN Sport & Entertainment A/S / F.C. Copenhagen and/or other organisers suffer financial loss
  • behave in a manner resulting in fines and/or sanctions for PARKEN Sport & Entertainment A/S/F.C. Copenhagen and/or the other organisers at Parken.

Section 12 Complaints from spectators, visitorsetc.


12.1. If you find that the Ground Regulations are not enforced properly or correctly at football matches or other events, for whichF.C. Copenhagen is responsible, or if you for other reasons experience somethingthat you do not find appropriate or reasonable, we would like to hear from you at


12.2. If the matter concerns the police, the fire brigade or other external authorities, please contact these directly.

12.3. In connection with Danish Football Associationmatches and other events than the above, your feedback should be sent directlyto the organiser of the event in question.


12.4. If you have forgotten items at Parken, please contactF.C. Copenhagen’s reception. Send an e-mail to anddescribe the forgotten items and how we can get in contact with you, and wewill get back to you if the items have been handed in. We hold items for threedays. After that, they are passed to the lost property office with theCopenhagen police.


Section 13 Privacy policy


Processing of personal data is performed in accordance with F.C. Copenhagen’s privacy policy in force at any time, and which can be found here.


Most recent update, July 18, 2024.